Monday, April 27, 2015

                                Flat tax or Progressive tax?

 While everyone is debating about, whether the flat tax is fairer than the progressive tax, I think that the taxes are not fair, overall. People are working really hard to earn money, so why should they pay a big part of their own money to government, when government has no role in making that money? It doesn’t matter if the person is rich or poor, either way they work hard to earn the money that they have.  
     In the United States there is a progressive tax, which is a tax that takes a larger percentage from the people who earn more money; and lower percentage from the people who have lower income. According to the flat tax there is the same tax rate for all taxpayers.
      Some people think that it is not fair to tax rich and poor people with the same rate of tax. I think it’s fair and it’s equal for everyone. In this article it says that for example if a person earned $50,000 a year and another earned $300,000 a year, both would pay 17 percent of their income to the government. I think this system is fair or everyone. People claim that if a person is rich that he/she should pay taxes with more tax rate.

      But who said that it’s that easy to become rich, expect to the situations when people just get wealth from their parents. People actually worked hard to earn the money and be rich, so they deserved to control their own money. I think that government should just tax people equally, letting rich people to manage their own money. If people think that they have more than enough money they can send it to charity, so they can also know that their money is actually used or a good reason. 

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