Friday, May 1, 2015

                              It's Not a Trip or Vacation It's a Second Life...

Why did you decided to become an exchange student? This is the question that I was asked most since I’ve been in the United States. My answer can be really long. Being an exchange student was an opportunity that I’ve got lucky to get. Although I had to go through many exams, interviews and months of waiting for information, this is an opportunity that everyone else would wish to get. By applying for FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) program (Click here for more information about the program), I was just trying to check my English knowledge. I didn’t even have an idea that I might become a finalist and get the opportunity to come to the United States. I’ve been waiting about 6 months to know information about if I passed the program or no. I can’t even described my happiness when I finally got the long waited call telling me that I’ve become a FLEX finalist and I’m going to do an exchange year in United States, live in American host family and go to AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL.
It’s a dream of every student in my country (and not only) to get a chance to attend American High School. It’s an example of perfect education and also something that we could’ve only seen in the movies. I know that this sounds really funny for most of my American friends, but it’s true.
    After knowing that I’d become a FLEX finalist, it was the time for me and my parents to make the decision. Although it’d always been dream to me to live in the United States, it was the time to think more deeply and make responsible decision. I’m very thankful to my parents that they supported my dream and let me come to the United States.
Finally I made that step and now I’m in the United States. But not everything worked easy for me. I had some difficulties at first but I overcame everything due to my friends, teachers, and of course my host family. Living thousands miles away from family was not easy, but leaving my loved people back to Armenia brought me many new experiences that I won’t change with anything else. I became self-confident, independent and ready to overcome any difficulties.
     The time has flight, and I realize that I’ve got only a month left in the United States. I don’t even want to think about the day that I’ll have to say goodbye to my friends and host family here. I had such a great experience in U.S., and I’m going to miss every second of being here. I feel like that I’ve been living in Langford all my life. This is a great community to live and also perfect for every exchange student.

     I can talk endless about my experience and how much I’m going to miss Langford and it’s people but I’m just going to end this by saying that I enjoyed every second of being here and I’ll never forget this wonderful year of my life.