Tuesday, March 17, 2015

                Richard Nixon's Presidency

     Over 30 years has past till Richard Nixon’s presidency but he is still remembered as one of the scandalous presidents of the United States. Nixon became 37th president of the Unites States in 1969. He was well respected but not very likable. Nixon was highly intelligent. He is also famous for being very good public speaker. Nixon surrounded himself with only trusted people. One of the people that Nixon trusted most was Henry Kissinger, who was his national security advisor than he became Secretary of State.
     Richard Nixon was really good politician and he had many successes on his foreign policy. One of the most important successes of Nixon’s foreign policy can be considered the fact that he took the United States out of the Vietnam War, by keeping Americans out of the danger.
     Another very important thing that Nixon has done was to improve relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. After years of bad relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States Nixon established a policy of Détente, which focused on weapon limitations and peace between two nations. Nixon’s visit to Moscow became the first time that the leaders of two nations met each other in Moscow. Nixon also made another very important trip to China. Later U.S recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China. American Ping-Pong team, by accepting China’s invitation to visit PRC became the first Americans to be allowed into communist China since Chinese Civil War.
    During Israel’s War against Arabs, America, by the order of President Nixon, highly supported Israel, not only military but also politically. This event had really serious consequences on American economy. Because of America’s support to Israel, Arab nations declared that they would not sell oil to the United States anymore. This was the first time that Arab nations would use economy as a political weapon.
     Despite all the success and failures that Richard Nixon had on his foreign policy, while talking about him people still first mention his involvement in Watergate Scandal. On 17 June 1972, 5 men were arrested while trying to bug the headquarters of the Democratic Party inside of Watergate building. One of the men arrested was the head of security for the Republican Party, James McCord.
      Nixon kept denying his involvement in Watergate scandal but finally on 27 July 1974, The House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon. Nixon thought that the Senate would not vote to remove him, but when the so called “smoking gun tape” became public, Nixon realized that he would not survive the vote in the Senate. So, on 9 August 1974, Richard Nixon resigned, becoming the first American president to resign. Although 30 government officials went to prison for their role in Watergate, Richard Nixon was not one of them. After becoming a president Gerald Ford gave Nixon a full Pardon.
     Watergate events also had moral impact on population. People started not to trust politicians as much as they did before.

     I think that Richard Nixon has done many important things for U.S. that should always be mentioned, and one thing I’m pretty sure that he should not be remembered as the worst presidents of United States. He has done a lot for the United States and he deserves respect.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

                         WW2 Massacres

WW2 is considered one of the bloodiest pages of the world’s history. Events like the Holocaust and the Nanking Massacre has occurred during WW2. The Holocaust is considered the biggest massacre during WW2; it was the systematic persecution and murder of six million Jews by Nazi Regime. Another huge massacre during WW2 occurred in Nanking, China by Japanese Army forces.
Although doctors are called to cure, protect and take care of people, during these horrific events in both of the countries two doctors were famous for using people as a lab rats to experience new things. Those “doctors” were Josef Mengele from Germany and Shiro Ishii from Japan.  Josef Mengele became known as the ‘Angel of Death’, in charge of huge numbers of fatal and brutal medical experiments which killed over 400 000 victims. Shiro Ishii was the commander of Unit 731; his strategy was to develop biological weapons which would assist the Japanese army's invasion of south-east China.
     The way that those two doctors had acted is just unforgivable and there is nothing that can justify this kind of inhuman and terrible events.
     Both of those crimes are equally brutal and horrific, but the organizers weren't punished equally. While Josef Mengele had to hide during rest of his life, all the scientists at Unit 731 were freed and allowed to continue their careers. The reason was that Japanese were allowed to erase Unit 731 from the archives, by American government, which wanted to use it for itself.

     Germany atoned for its war crimes but japan has been able to deny the evidence of Unit 731. But denying of the history doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Some nations are just too scared to recognize their own crimes. Even after all that has happened I respect Germany and German people because they found courage in themselves to recognize the crimes they have done. Such massacres are huge crimes but the denials of those are even worse, it can make the history repeat itself.