Saturday, September 27, 2014

                          "BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE"

So we watched documentary called “Bowling for Columbine”. The film is written and directed by Michael Moore and it explores what he suggests are the main causes for the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 and other acts of violence with guns. Moore's views are anti-gun but he tries to show the opposite side also. Moore asks why there are so many killings in America by guns comparing with other countries. He gives no real answer to this question. 

  After watching the film it made me think about that question but as most of the people I can’t give a right answer.  Some people trying to connect it with violent history that America has. But now try to remember how violent was histories of Armenia, Russia, Germany or any other countries. But there is not too many murders in those countries as in USA. Personally I think that there is something connected with national character and thinking.

  The next think I want talk about is US social media and how does it affect people. In the film Moore talked about this question and explored one of the darkest side of America - the society built on fear. He compared US media with Canadian media and I would like to compare it with Armenian media. In Armenian TV-channels you can’t see too much news about killing and murders as in US news.  It’s only one month that I’m living in USA but it was enough to understand that US social media spread fear. So I think that media affect murder rate in USA but it is not the main reason.

  Moore's views are definitely anti-gun. But the question is “Do guns kill people or do people kill people?” This question can have many contradictory answers. Some people think that if people don’t have guns they can’t kill people and they blame only gun for killing. But I think that on the killing most of all is the human factor. If the person really wants to kill somebody nothing can prevent him even if he doesn’t have gun. People can own guns just to protect themselves and their families but it doesn’t mean that they can take it school and shot their classmates. So that’s why I think that people kill people not guns.

  Here is the article about Obamas's executive orders on gun control. Obama unveiled sweeping proposals for preventing gun violence. Now if the person want to own gun he has to have background check. And I'm completely agree with this point. Obama Said "This is our firs task as a society, keeping our children safe. This is how we will be judged."

  So what can be done to make schools safer in USA? I think that this all depends on parents. They must be more careful. If they have any guns they must hide it. Because most of the minors who shot people don’t understand how serious is it and how serious consequences it can have.
What does the future hold for America and for gun laws? I’m sure that thousands of people have tried to answer to this question but no one can say what will happen in the future.

  I hope that US government will do something to reduce the number of murders is USA. However people have right to live and no one and nothing has right to take it away.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


ISIS or ISIL advance through Iraq brings with the fear of human rights atrocities against civilians. It is an unrecognized state and a group active in Iraq and Syria in the Middle East. It claims religious authority over all Muslims across the world. Its goal is to bring most of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its political control. 

  They have been very active lately and have spread very fast. ISIS is one of the biggest humanitarian-disaster in contemporary history. ISIS is known for killing dozens of people at a time and carrying out public executions, crucifixions and other acts.

  As we know the worst crime in the world is killing. No one has right to kill and this crime has no forgiveness. But they killed and continuing to kill innocent people. So, something should be done to prevent this terrorist. But what should be done and who should do it? This terrorists have become really strong and it's even hard to understand if there is anything that can prevent them.

 We saw in news report video that there are many people all around the world who join ISIS. And it also become very popular among teenagers and young people. Even young girls started to join ISIS. So what's the reason? What makes them to do it? I've heard that they attracted to ISIS by its brutality. But how brutality can attract young girls when there are so many nice things in the world? I really don't understand them  and I have no idea why they do it.

  I hope someone will find the way to prevent this terrorist and one day in close future this humanitarian disaster will end.